SR monogram

These bits and pieces made of pixels are given to you for free. Please, handle them with care.
Check out my portfolio while you're here.



Yet another icon replacement for iA's mindblowingly awesome text editor : 'Writer'. This one comes in 2 versions : "iA|" and "w|".
Everything's in the .zip, MacOS and iOS versions.

Get a sneak peek of MacOS version in HD, iOS version in HD.

Writer icon replacement

Dragon Ball


Simple practice based on one of the cartoons I watched a lot when I was a kid. The main goal was to work on sphere and texture/lighting. The PSD also contains a 'one star' version.

Dragon Ball PSD



I don't know anything about Pokemon, never even played the game, but I like the design of the Pokeball. Same practice as for the Dragon Ball PSD, textures/lightings on a sphere.

Pokeball PSD



When I designed the previous version of my website I got into making social icons to display on the about page. I got then a little carried away and made way too much. Yes, you can have them.

Seize social icons